Best Collection of Education & Books Landing Page Templates

教育领域的重要性怎么估计都不过分. 从很小的时候起,我们就发展和学习,所以教育机构总是有需求的. With the development of the digital world, 这样的组织需要有一个网站来吸引更多的学生. It also concerns courses and study materials shops. 这就是为什么我们提供令人惊叹的教育系列 & 书籍的登陆页面模板,创建一个单一的网页,为一定的目的. 它可以是宣传一所学校、进修课程、新到的有用的学习材料等等. Using our themes, your web project will reflect your main idea, deliver a message to a wide audience, and involve more clients.


现代网站在你的利基必须鼓励人们学习和反映一个愉快的氛围. But how to create such an attractive project? Don't worry, 你不需要考虑你的内容的最佳位置,因为我们为你做了. 我们的主题带有预先制作的设计,因此您可以只专注于修改代码. The advantages of our solutions don't end there. You also get various features, such as:

  • fully responsive layout;
  • performance optimization;
  • JQuery;
  • Bootstrap;
  • SEO-friendly and retina-ready;
  • Parallax and background video;
  • Google map integration;
  • sliced PSD;
  • anchor menu;
  • back-to-top button;
  • sample content;
  • Google fonts;
  • smooth scroll;
  • clean and commented HTML code, and more.

Who Can Use Education & Books Landing Page Templates

你的利基充满了各种各样的活动,这些活动都旨在为人们提供基本和额外的知识. And using our themes, 你可以向潜在的学生展示他们读了你卖的书后会知道什么,或者他们通过一门课程后会得到什么结果. 这对你来说并不困难,因为我们的解决方案带有预制的设计和准备好的内容部分. 当您了解HTML时,编辑过程将变得顺利和快速.

我们还为没有编码技能的用户开发了MotoCMS模板. In this case, 您可以通过管理面板自定义布局,该面板允许您在几次单击中修改任何设计元素.

Anyway, 这两种类型的数字资产都是为幼儿园创建web项目的完美匹配, schools, academies, colleges, universities and providing tuition study materials. As a result, you attract new people to your site, focus their attention on benefits, and encourage them to become your students.

How to Use E-Learning Single Page Website Templates

第一步是选择最适合您业务的数字资产. 左侧的分类面板旨在帮助您立即完成此任务. 标记主题、标签、样式、特征、颜色、图库脚本、网页表单等. 之后,您将根据您的要求看到最佳匹配. 当你打开一个产品页面来确定它是否符合你的期望, 您可以通过实时演示功能预览视觉外观. 下一步是将商品添加到购物车、结帐并下载. After doing it, you embark on creating a site. Whatever you choose HTML or MotoCMS, 我们为您提供考虑一些点,可以使您的网络存在成功:

  1. simple site structure;
  2. clear navigation;
  3. unique content;
  4. high-quality photos and videos;
  5. visuals and animations.

Education & Books Landing Page Templates FAQ

Do you provide guides for editing Education & Books landing page templates?

是的,您将在每个主题附带的文档中找到有用的说明和指南. 通过遵循它们,你的创作过程将是快速和毫不费力的. 此外,你也可以利用我们在帮助中心的文章.

How to customize Education & 图书登陆页模板没有技术技能?

In this case, it is better to use MotoCMS products. 由于管理面板作为修改布局的主要工具, your site's creation will be handy and simple. This instrument is easy to use and intuitive, 因此,您将在几次单击中快速掌握编辑各种元素.

Can I try free Education & Books landing page templates?

You may use free products, no doubt. 为此,您需要在网站上创建一个免费帐户. However, 如果你记得免费物品缺乏独特性和技术支持,这将有所帮助. So, if you need a high-quality, modern, and impressive web project, it is better to pay attention to premium assets.

Can I integrate Google maps into my Education & Books landing page templates?

Yes, we added this feature to our themes. 你可以在地图上标出学校的位置,帮助学生走最短的路线到达学校.


Watch a helpful video with the hottest trends & tips for schooling landing page creation. Build a converting Education & Books landing page with our guide. It's perfect for kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, and tuition study materials one-page websites.