教育-教育 & 大学主题演讲模板
这个演讲是为《og体育首存活动》制作的 & University that require a corporate business style. 在这次演讲中,我们将展示各种独特的幻灯片,这些幻灯片肯定不会无聊
Academia University 教育主题模板
Academia University 教育主题模板 Flat, Clean, Minimalist, Elegant and Flexible Presentation Template.专为匹配专业业务范围与各种信息图表主题的您而设计...
Sales: 1

初级主题演讲模板 by CreativeStudio

初中在家教育主题演讲是一个有趣的方式来代表你的教育演讲的孩子和孩子的主题, 带有丰富多彩的设计元素, 颜色很容易...
Professional Keynote template for multipurpose presentation. 从内部沥青甲板, 投资者推介平台, weekly meeting, annual reports, business reports, and many more.
Apertus -教育概况主题演讲
Professional Keynote template for multipurpose presentation. 从内部沥青甲板, 投资者推介平台, weekly meeting, annual reports, business reports, and many more.
Professional Keynote template for multipurpose presentation. 从内部沥青甲板, 投资者推介平台, weekly meeting, annual reports, business reports, and many more
Cilique -幼儿园主题模板
Cilique -幼儿园主题模板Kindergarten, 儿童教育, Preschool 教育主题模板 Modern, 以及专业的pitch deck模板. 这个演示模板非常适合...
Universa -教育主题模板
Universa -教育主题模板Academic, University, 和教育主题模板简单, clean, minimalist, modern, 以及专业的演示模板. 适合任何正式场合...

记忆演讲主题模板 by CreativeStudio

记忆演讲主题模板 for Education events, School prom, yearbook and any education presentation template. Modern design make your presentation stand out, with simple, clean, and...
Inerva - Tech & 大学主题演讲
Professional Keynote template for multipurpose presentation. 从内部沥青甲板, 投资者推介平台, weekly meeting, annual reports, business reports, and many more.
Universe - Keynote模板
这是一个创意和极简主义的演讲主题模板, 完美的多用途使用. 这也是任何项目的理想选择. 你可以很容易地编辑这个演示文稿....
Generia - Webinar eCourse Keynote Template
网络研讨会和电子课程主题模板, 非常适合网络研讨会, ecourse, 线上或线下研讨会, speaker, teacher, online class, conference, event, training, meeting, workshop, elearning, etc.
开放大学主题演讲模板.This Presentation can be used for any type of presentation: Portfolio, Company Profile, Multipurpose, Creative Agency, and also can be used for Custom Production....
Hasta -大学主题演讲
介绍Hasta -大学主题演讲这个演示模板可以用于任何不同的目的, 如:你自己的投资组合与最小 & 创意风格,平面设计机构,...
Benvolio -大学主题演讲模板
介绍Benvolio -大学主题演讲模板这个演示模板可以用于任何不同的目的, 如:你自己的投资组合与最小 & 创意风格,平面设计...

Best Colleges Universities Keynote Templates for IOS and Mac

Users worldwide like Keynote themes for their powerful features. 它们干净、专业、易用,可以在所有Apple设备上无缝运行. Take the time to check our collection of college universities themes. There are so many great options that you will be pleased with you see. 如今,在iPhone上创建一个更加个性化和引人注目的视觉宣传是一件轻而易举的事情. 它不需要具有挑战性.

关于幻灯片演示的一个有趣的事情是,当它不好的时候,每个人都会注意到. 如果问他们,他们不知道为什么. 但当涉及到自己制作视觉甲板时,这项任务就变成了火箭科学. 或者你选择高级主题,节省时间来创建一个动态的平台,让你的信息呈现在观众面前. 是的,你不需要精通技术来编辑和定制自己的布局. We have done our best to make things easier for you.

How to Use Academic Portal Keynote Slides Templates

What is the good thing about our premium layouts? 它们非常适合学校、学院、大学和其他教育机构. And not only that. You can also find options that work for business and corporate decks. 虽然你的演讲可能是完美的,但我们会帮助你创建一个视觉部分.

无论是教育、展示还是参与,你演讲的目标都是让人难忘. 内容并不重要. 因为我们都是视觉人,所以你的职业形象会在脑海中停留更长时间.

Designing an Apple pitch for educational projects can feel overwhelming. 但事实并非如此. 我们已经为您提供了出色的幻灯片布局,为您提供实现业务目标所需的工具.

Top Features of Colleges Universities Keynote Templates for Apple

现在,让我们讨论一下用于教育项目的苹果机型的主要功能. A big number of built-in layouts is one of the key reasons to use them. Also, a clutter-free and user-friendly interface is a good thing. 它可以帮助你保持专注,并创造一个直奔主题的视觉宣传. 你的deck可以与你所有的苹果设备同步,这也说明了这一点.

Other than that, expect your college model to have:

  • 现代、干净、百搭的设计;
  • A collection of unique and creative layouts built-in;
  • 各种主题颜色;
  • 可调整大小和可编辑的图形;
  • 主幻灯片支持;
  • 明暗版;
  • 动画和转场;
  • 拖放功能;
  • 全天候客户支持.


Make your next Keynote presentation more effective. And the first step to make is to use our world-class themes. Improve the way you present your education brand to the audience. 以下是你在下一次视觉宣传创作中需要考虑的一些关键技巧:

  • Invest in premium designs rather than stock ones;
  • Use a single background for the entire deck;
  • 每张幻灯片只写一个点;
  • Use images generously; visualize as much information as possible;
  • Customize each layout for your audience with specific colors, fonts, etc.;
  • Keep it simple, clean, and straight to the point;
  • Add high-quality photography and imagery;
  • 建立排版层次结构;
  • Use not more than two-three colors per slide;
  • Set off text and visual components with white space;
  • 使用至少30点的字体大小,以确保即使从房间的后面也很容易扫描.

Academic Portal 主题演讲模板 FAQ

Why Choose Academic Portal Keynote Templates over PPT ones?

The key reason is that they are a safe bet for Apple users. 另一个原因是,你会得到一个干净、漂亮的设计,而不是被功能淹没.

如果我不喜欢我所看到的怎么办? Do You Provide Other Colleges and Universities Templates?

Well, we have a great collection of premium designs. Get ready to be overwhelmed with the choice.


Yes, sure. Editing layouts for a visual pitch is not a tough task. 这只是一个从你的电脑或设备上传你需要的文件的问题.

How Can I Find the Best Colleges Universities Presentation Themes?

一切都从你需要什么开始. 然后查看一些最好的选择,比如Learnzee或Edugreat Education模板. 我不确定它们是否适合你? Explore further. The other options on our list are University or College.


Do you want to diversify your Academic Portal Keynote Presentation? Use trendy fonts! 查看学校版式趋势的专业集合视频, colleges, universities, 和其他教育机构的项目,并将它们应用到你的作品中.