400 平 社交媒体 Icons
This 图标 集 includes 80 of the most popular social media 图标 in 5 shape styles. The 图标 are high-quality and vector-based, so they can be scaled to any size without losing resolution.
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Premium PDF Icons Sets to 下载


Especially because of their versatility, you can use 图标 to reach different purposes and adapt them to other formats.

除此之外,图标还可以改善用户体验. One way they can contribute to offer a better UX is by improving text readability. 换句话说, you can place 图标 among the text, dividing it into smaller paragraphs and making it easier to read and interact with.

此外,图标可以吸引注意力,引导用户浏览你的内容. You can use them as landmarks or links between pages. 通过这样做, 你将引导用户进入他们可以采取行动的最后一步, which represents your business goal.

However, the creation of 图标 requires expertise. This is why many people prefer to buy ready-made 图标 rather than creating their own.

缺点idering this preference, the internet is now full of professional web 设计ers selling their art工作s to anyone who needs them. You can find re演讲s of any type of object or concept related to almost any industry.

也, 图标 are available in different formats (PNG、PDF、 SVG等等)。. 因此, you can choose the one more suitable for your necessities or the one which is compatible with the editing program you intend to use.

PDF Icons at Template怪物

Across the Template怪物 marketplace, you'll find several PDF图标集. 每个集合都展示了许多物体的图形表示, 行动, or 的想法 related to the same topic or industry.

大部分的 图标 are editable separately. 因此, even if you don't find a 设计 that fits your personal preferences or brand identity the best, 您可以稍后使用一些兼容的编辑软件或在线工具编辑它.

You can also filter your re搜索 by topic, 评级, 价格, 兼容性, 文件格式, making it more straightforward and getting only the results you're interested in.


The PDF 图标 available at the Template怪物 marketplace are related to different industries. 以下是一些最常见的图标放置方式:

  • 体育运动;
  • 游戏;
  • 人;
  • 食物;
  • 自然;
  • 医疗;
  • 工业;
  • 科学;
  • 城市;
  • 天气.

Where can you place 图标?

You can use 图标 in a variety of ways. 无论是总结还是强调一个概念,你都可以把它们放在:


If you'd like to edit the PDF 图标 you download, 您可以使用以下兼容的编辑程序之一:

  • Adobe Illustrator;
  • Adobe Photoshop;
  • 平面设计;

Advantages and disadvantages of PDF file format

许多优点使人们选择PDF文件格式. 然而,另一方面,它也有一些缺点.

This section will list some of the most relevant that will help you make the right choice based on your needs.



Generally, PDF files are lightweight. This means you can easily store and share them without loading your hard drive or having to wait. Plus, you can efficiently compress them.


adobeacrobatreader is often pre-installed on most computers, and it is free. This means you can share it with anyone, and the recipient will view it correctly.


几乎所有的设备、数字资产和编辑程序都支持PDF文件. This means you can easily edit and 工作 on them.



Whether on Adobe acrobat or other compatible programs, editing PDF files won't be free. You will need to pay for a subscription plan, which may sometimes be expensive.


PDF files are harder to edit than other formats. To edit them, you'll need to use some professional 软件 that requires hands-on experience.

When to use PDF file format


当您不知道文件将在哪个操作系统中打开时, PDF format is the right choice. 几乎每个操作系统都允许您打开并正确查看它.

也, if you intend to place your file on your 网站, browsers like Chrome and Firefox have built-in PDF viewers so that people can read your document easily and quickly.

You need to share via email

If you need to share your files via email, PDF is one of the best formats you can choose. And there are two reasons:

  1. 它很轻. This means you can share it quickly without having to wait for it to load or be sent;
  2. 几乎所有的设备和操作系统都可以兼容和可读. This way, you'll make sure that the recipients will open and read it correctly.


When the goal is to 打印 a file, PDF is the right choice over the other formats. It ensures that your document will be 打印ed exactly as you see it on your screen. 因此,您最终将获得干净,抛光和丰富细节的打印副本.



PDF 图标 are digital re演讲s of objects, 的想法, and 行动 related to a specific topic or industry.


PDF stands for Portable Document Format. You can use it when you need to store files that cannot be modified but need to be sha红色的 and 打印ed easily.

How to convert PDF to JPG?

If you need to convert your PDF files into JPG, you can use one of the following free online converters:

  • SmallPDF;
  • CloudConvert;
  • Zamzar.

What programs will open PDF file format?

adobeacrobatreader程序是用于查看的标准免费程序, 印刷, and commenting on PDF files. However, many other programs allow you to open PDF files.

How do I compress a PDF file for free?

Adobe压缩PDF 允许您快速且免费地将文档压缩到2GB.

CDR Icon Packs Unlimited 下载 with 怪物ONE

怪物ONE plan allows you to download unlimited PDF 图标集 and many other professional digital graphics. It can be a more convenient solution for you or your business if you like to add the latest 设计s or update your content frequently.